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New Information
January 28, 2022 (Friday)

Regarding Changes to Cleaning for Extended Stays

Regarding Changes to Cleaning for Extended Stays

Hello everyone!
This is Henn na Hotel Tokyo Akasaka.

This is an announcement regarding the start of the "ECO Cleaning for Extended Stays" from February 1st.

At Henn na Hotel, we are actively engaged in activities to reduce the use of resources, including water and energy, to achieve environmental protection through SDGs.
In conjunction with this, we will implement ECO cleaning based on the premise that linens for guests staying multiple nights (bed sheets, duvet covers, pillowcases, gowns) will not be changed.
*For detailed information about ECO cleaning, please refer to the image.

In addition, for hygiene reasons, we will conduct regular cleaning, including linen changes, every three days.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

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