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New Information
April 15, 2021 (Thursday)

We have received the JAL Easy Pack Grand Prize

We have received the JAL Easy Pack Grand Prize

Welcome to Henn na Hotel Tokyo Hamamatsucho.

We are pleased to announce that our hotel has been recognized in the "Rakuten Travel" hosted "Rakupack Award". This award targets over 20,000 registered accommodations nationwide that handle "Rakupack", and Rakuten Travel has conducted a comprehensive evaluation based on numerous criteria.

We have received the Rakuten Travel "JAL Rakupack Award Grand Prize 2020" awarded to the best accommodations in each region.

We are going through a difficult time, but we sincerely thank many of our customers for their continued support.

In the future, we will continue to strive for the enhancement of our facilities and improvement of our services, motivated by our awards, and we kindly ask for your continued support.
Henn na Hotel Tokyo Hamamatsucho
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