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New Information
April 27, 2021 (Tuesday)

Electric kickboards [movicle] have been installed!

New Service Launch!
Henn na Hotel Hamamatsucho has installed a port for "movicle electric kickboards" on the first floor at the back!
Movicle is a shared service for electric kickboards.

You can rent electric kickboards from the movicle ports located throughout the city, and return them to the port when you are finished using them.

If you wish to use our service,
please download the dedicated app, perform procedures such as searching for kickboard ports within the app, and you will be able to rent.

From Henn na Hotel Hamamatsucho to Tokyo Tower and the shops you are interested in, please feel free to use the electric kickboards from movicle.

For more details, click here↓

This service is available only to those who hold a motorized bicycle driver's license in Japan.

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