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Additionally, WEB members (registration is free) receive free late check-out from the first registration

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New Information
February 19, 2023 (Sun)

 Luggage Storage Lockers Now Open!

Luggage Storage Lockers Opened!


Welcome to Henn na Hotel Tokyo Hamamatsucho!

Surprisingly... a luggage storage locker has been established on the 2nd floor of our hotel‼

Due to the many requests from customers to store their luggage

To ensure that you can smoothly and safely leave your important luggage with us

We have installed luggage storage lockers starting from February 17.

We will gladly store your luggage on the 2nd floor of our hotel before check-in and after check-out.

Please leave your heavy luggage and enjoy sightseeing and outings around the city♪

Usage Instructions

Upper Level

-When you use it-

 1. Close the door.

 Enter a 4-digit password to lock.

 The red LED lights up and makes a sound.

-When Taking Out-

 Press the 4-digit password you entered.

 You can unlock and open the door.

 The green LED lights up and makes a sound.

Lower Section

 1. Pass the wire through the handle of the luggage and insert the key.

 ② Enter the PIN and turn the key towards "LOOK".

 * Set the dial to any 4-digit number other than "0000".

 * When locked, it will automatically become "0000".



If you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.
We sincerely look forward to your visit.


Henn na Hotel Tokyo Hamamatsucho


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