Dream-like memories. - The world's first robot hotel filled with near-future technology

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About Your Reservation

Can I make a reservation by phone or email?
For reservations by phone, please contact the Henn na Hotel Reservation Center (TEL.0570-097117). The reception hours are from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.
When making a reservation by phone, a handling fee (1,100 yen per room) will be charged in addition to the accommodation fee.
We do not accept reservations via email. Please make your reservation through the reservation system on our website.
Can I change or cancel my reservation by phone or email?
We apologize, but we do not accept changes or cancellations to reservations made by phone or email.
We apologize for the inconvenience, but please proceed with your reservation through the booking site you used.
Only customers who made phone reservations at the Henn na Hotel reservation center can make changes or cancellations by phone.
I made a reservation from the official site of Henn na Hotel Laguna Ten Bosch, but I haven't received a confirmation email!
A reservation confirmation email will be sent to you when you book through the official site.
If you have specified reception in your email settings, please allow reception from "@hennnahotel.com".
Please check the settings of your computer or smartphone.
When does the cancellation fee apply?
Cancellation fees will apply starting 14 days prior. 14 days prior: 10%, 7 days prior: 20%, the day before: 50%, and if there is no contact on the day of arrival, you will be charged the full amount.
However, for special plans, if there are separate cancellation fees specified, the terms set by the plan will apply.
Can I check the brochure in advance?
You can download the brochure in PDF format from the Henn na Hotel website. Click here for more details
Can I exchange the strange hotel membership points for HIS gift certificates?
Yes, you can exchange it. Click here for more details
I own a Laguna Sia annual passport, are there any benefits?
If you have an annual passport for Laguna Ten Bosch, the following benefits are available to you.

・Breakfast included!! Henn na Hotel Annual Passport Special Plan Reservation
⇒Reserve the special plan here
To check special plans, you will need the ID and password provided at the time of purchasing the annual passport.
*There may be times when there are no plan options available due to the season.

・Free luggage storage for suitcases and other items (limited to those who have booked the annual passport plan)
*The above benefits do not apply during Golden Week, summer vacation, and the New Year holidays.

About Your Stay

Is there a parking lot? Can parking be secured?
We have prepared a parking lot for hotel guests with 100 spaces (free of charge).
Please use it according to the check-in time.

●If you arrive before check-in time
Please use the parking lot of the theme park Lagunasia.
Parking fees are to be paid in advance, so please make your payment and then proceed to the Laguna Sia ticket booth.
We will refund the parking fee and provide the admission tickets.
(Please note that some plans do not include admission tickets.)
Is there a shuttle service from Gamagori Station?
We do not offer shuttle service.
The free shuttle bus departs from Gamagori Station twice an hour, at 00 and 30 minutes past the hour.
You can also check the shuttle bus details on the Laguna Ten Bosch website.
To Laguna Ten Bosch HP
What time is check-in and check-out? (Can it be extended?)
Check-in is at 3 PM, and check-out is at 10 AM.
Customers who apply for the early check-in plan or late check-out plan will be subject to the terms specified by the respective plans.
We offer late check-out at the following rates. (Please note that we may not be able to accommodate this depending on the situation.)
12:00 PM for 3,000 yen per room
1:00 PM for 4,500 yen per room
Any extensions after 1:00 PM will be charged as an additional night's stay at the current day's rate.
Please tell me how to receive the accommodation benefits.
Admission Ticket
Before check-in time ... Pick up at the ticket booth
After check-in time ... Pick up at the staff counter next to the hotel front
You can also pick up your tickets at the Laguna Shia ticket booth.
Is it possible to stay with only minors?
If you are staying with guests under the age of 18, a consent form from a parent or guardian is required. (One form is needed for each minor.)
* If guests under the age of 15 wish to stay, they must be accompanied by a guardian. Please submit this information by fax, mail, or email by the day before your stay.
■For FAX: 0533-58-2075
■For email, info-lagunatenbosch@hennnahotel.com
■For mail, 443-0014 Aichi Prefecture, Gamagori City, Kaiyo Town 1-4-1
(Shipping and communication fees will be the responsibility of the customer.)

*If we cannot confirm the consent form, we may have to decline your stay. You can download the consent form here.
Can I stay with my pet?
You can stay only if you have reserved a dog room. Please note that the only pets allowed are dogs (up to 2 per room). Additionally, submitting the documents listed below in advance is a condition for your stay. Your reservation will be confirmed after we receive the documents, so please be aware of this in advance. If you need to make a last-minute reservation or if it is difficult to submit the documents beforehand, please consult the hotel. For more details and important notes, please refer to each plan.

Request for Guests Accompanied by Dogs (Required)
A copy or image of the Rabies Vaccination Certificate and the Combination Vaccination (two or more types) Certificate must be submitted in advance as a condition of your stay.

【 Submission Methods for Rabies Vaccination Certificate and Combination Vaccination (2 or more types) Certificate 】
Please submit via email, fax, or mail.
・Email: info-lagunatenbosch@hennnahotel.com
・F A X:0533-58-2075
・Mailing Address: 1-4-1 Kaiyo-cho, Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture 443-0014, Henn na Hotel Laguna Ten Bosch

About the Building and Room Facilities

Is there a large public bath in the hotel?
There is none.
Can you prepare the bed against the wall or something similar?
It is possible. You can choose from the three patterns below for the arrangement of the beds. Requests will be accepted until 16:00 the day before your stay.

> Request here

1 2 3

Do you have accessible rooms?
We have one room available for guests with disabilities who require assistance (barrier-free room) in the deluxe twin room category.
Do you have non-smoking rooms? Also, are there rooms where smoking is allowed?
The entire building is non-smoking. There is one smoking area outside the building, but it is an outdoor space.
If there is evidence of smoking in the guest room (including areas accessible from the window), we will charge for room cleaning fees and compensation for room damage.
The amount charged will be based on the selling price of the respective room at the time of billing, for the number of days that could not be sold (up to a maximum of 10 days).
Can guests come and go freely 24 hours a day?
Basically, you can come and go freely, but for security reasons, the main entrance will be locked from 00:00 to 06:00.
Please touch your room key, or if you do not have one, please notify us using the intercom outside the main entrance.
Is there an indoor map of the hotel?
You can download the facility map in PDF format from the Henn na Hotel website. Click here for more details

About the Service

Please tell me the payment methods available at the hotel.
You can use cash, credit cards (JCB, Master, VISA, UFJ Nikos, AMEX, DINERS, Toyota Finance), and PayPay. However, credit card signature payments and PayPay can only be processed manually. Payments cannot be made with the robot.
I have left something behind or lost an item at the hotel.
There is a possibility that it is being stored at the front desk. Please inquire. The storage period is two weeks. Additionally, due to food safety regulations, food and beverages will generally be discarded on the same day. Thank you for your understanding.
Is there a cart for carrying luggage?
Although it is not a cart, we have prepared two hand trucks for you.
Are there no human staff? If I feel unwell during my stay, will a robot assist me?
Hotel staff are available 24 hours a day. In case of an emergency, hotel staff will assist you.
This is a hotel serviced by robots, but what security measures are in place?
We monitor with security cameras 24 hours a day.
The hotel is locked at night, so external guests cannot enter.
Is the internet available?
Free Wi-Fi is available in both the guest rooms and the lobby.
Is there a laundry service?
Located in the vending machine corner on the first floor.
・Washing and drying (standard) 120 minutes / 5.50 USD
・Washing and drying (small load) 80 minutes / $4.50
・Laundry only / 35 minutes / 3 dollars
・Additional drying/30 minutes/$1
Can I send or store my luggage before or after my stay?
Shipping from your home to the hotel is possible.

★Shipping Address: 1-4-1 Kaiyo-cho, Gamagori City, Aichi Prefecture 443-0014
However, please adhere to the following when sending.
・Please ensure that it is prepaid. We cannot accept any other payment methods.
・Please send it on the day before your stay or on the day of your stay. Also, be sure to write the 'Name of the person who made the reservation' in full name.
・A fee of 7 dollars will be charged per piece of luggage. This will be payable at check-in or check-out.

Shipping from the hotel to your home
Only cash on delivery is accepted.
However, we only handle shipments through Yamato Transport. We do not handle postal services.

Luggage Storage at the Front Desk
In principle, we do not provide luggage storage. We will guide you to the coin lockers within the facility.
However, if the size does not fit in the locker, we will keep your luggage at the front desk for 700 yen per item.

However, even if the above conditions are met, we will refuse to handle any luggage that contains perishable items, hazardous materials, items with an unpleasant odor, or any luggage that we determine to fall into these categories, as well as any luggage that we refuse based on its contents.

About Admission to Theme Park Laguna Shia

Can I change to another type of ticket?
Changes can be made for an additional fee on the day. Click here for more details
Please tell me the location relationship between Henn na Hotel and Laguna Ten Bosch!
You can download the guide map as a PDF from the Henn na Hotel website. Click here for more details


Check-in Date
Number of Nights
Number of Guests
Number of Rooms