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/ Restaurant


A farmhouse restaurant where you can fully enjoy "rice"

HACHI BEI is operated by 'Nabehachi Agricultural Products,' a rice farmer rooted in Aichi Prefecture, dedicated to producing safe and secure rice.


Breakfast6:30 10:00 (L.O. 09:30)

Lunch11:30 15:00 (L.O. 14:30)

1st Floor

Breakfast "Choose Your Farmhouse Breakfast"

Choose from three types: Japanese cuisine, Western cuisine, and Nagoya dishes for 1,500 yen
(Includes water, milk, juice, coffee, green tea, and black tea. *Rice and raw eggs are available for refills.)

Children's plates are also available for orders made by the day before, 900 yen (limited to ages 3 to 5)



1,500 yen (including tax) ※Same price for adults and children

Children with beds will be charged the same price as adults.
- Children sharing a bed do not receive meals. Please share the adult's meal with them.
・Children's plates are available for orders made by the day before. 900 yen (limited to ages 3 to 5)

34 seats


HACHI Rice (Hachibei) is a farmhouse restaurant operated by Nabebachi Agricultural Products, which is rooted in Aichi Prefecture and committed to producing safe and secure rice. We use seasonal ingredients primarily from Aichi Prefecture and the Tokai area to provide homemade side dishes that will make you crave rice. You can have unlimited refills of rice and raw eggs with any breakfast menu you choose. For customers departing early in the morning, we will provide a boxed type meal. (Available for pickup from 6:30 AM, menu limited to Nagoya-style plate only.)

HACHI Rice (Hachibei) is a farmhouse restaurant operated by Nabebachi Agricultural Products, which is rooted in Aichi Prefecture and committed to producing safe and secure rice. We use seasonal ingredients primarily from Aichi Prefecture and the Tokai area to provide homemade side dishes that will make you crave rice. You can have unlimited refills of rice and raw eggs with any breakfast menu you choose. For customers departing early in the morning, we will provide a boxed type meal. (Available for pickup from 6:30 AM, menu limited to Nagoya-style plate only.)

You can choose from three types: Japanese cuisine, Western cuisine, and Nagoya food.

You can choose from three types: Japanese cuisine, Western cuisine, and Nagoya food.

季節の魚と手作りお惣菜の和食プレート<br>(ごはんと生卵のおかわり可能)Seasonal fish and homemade side dishes Japanese cuisine plate
(Refills of rice and raw eggs available)
お米農家がつくる米粉パンの洋食プレート<br>(洋食プレートでもごはんと生卵のおかわり可能)Western-style plate with rice flour bread made by rice farmers
(You can also request refills of rice and raw eggs with the Western-style plate)
愛知県の食材をふんだんに使った名古屋めしプレート<br>(ごはんと生卵のおかわり可能)Nagoya-style plate made with plenty of ingredients from Aichi Prefecture
(refills for rice and raw egg available)
早朝出発のお客様にはボックスタイプでご提供させて頂きます。<br>(6時半からお渡し可能)※前日までにフロントにお申し付けください。※名古屋めしのみボックス対応可能For guests departing early in the morning, we will provide a boxed meal.
(Available for pickup from 6:30 AM) *Please inform the front desk by the day before. *Only Nagoya cuisine is available in a box.
お子様プレート※前日までのお申し込み<br>(3歳~5歳限定)Children's Plate *Reservation required by the day before
(Ages 3 to 5 only)
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