Official Lowest Price Declaration Booking through our site is the most advantageous.

Additionally, WEB members (registration is free) receive free late check-out from the first registration

Accommodation Terms

Book your flight, Shinkansen, and hotel at the same time with our "Dynamic Package" here

New Information
April 23, 2024 (Tue)

Children's Day 🎏

Front Decoration
Children's Day 🎏

Hello everyone!

Henn na Hotel Nara

May 5th (Sunday), which is the Children's Day of the Tango no Sekku ⭐
Children's Day and Tango no Sekku are often confused because they fall on the same day, but they originally have different meanings!
◎Children's Day... a day to wish for the growth and health of children, regardless of gender.
◎Tango no Sekku... a traditional annual event that celebrates the healthy growth of boys.
The front desk is also decorated for Children's Day 🎏
We sincerely look forward to your visit.
Henn na Hotel Nara
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