Official Lowest Price Declaration Booking through our site is the most advantageous.

Additionally, WEB members (registration is free) receive free late check-out from the first registration

Accommodation Terms

Book flights・Shinkansen and hotels at the same time Click here for Dynamic Packages"

New Information
December 15, 2020 (Tuesday)

Notice of Temporary Suspension of the 'Go To Travel Campaign'

Important NotesNotice
Notice of Temporary Suspension of the 'Go To Travel Campaign'



Dear Valued Guests

It has been announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism that the following accommodations are not eligible for the "Go To Travel" program.
Tokyo Stay from 12/18 to 1/11
Osaka Stay from 12/14 to 1/11
Other Stay from 12/28 to 1/11


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*Updated on January 7, 2021*


The "Go To Travel" temporary suspension measure for accommodations was in effect until January 12, 2021, as announced by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and  the suspension measure has been extended nationwide until February 7, regardless of new or existing reservations.

* After February 1, there will be no sales for accommodations that applied the traditional "Go To Travel".

For details and the handling of cancellation fees for customers who have already made a reservation,
please check the official Go To Travel Agency website below. Thank you for your understanding.

Go To Travel Bureau Official Website


You can cancel or change your reservation here.


Customers who made reservations through other booking sites such as Jalan or Rakuten,

Please check on the reservation site.

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