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New Information
September 14, 2021 (Tuesday)

Information about the installation of some room amenities in the lobby

Important NotesNoticeGuest RoomFacilities
Information about the installation of some room amenities in the lobby

Thank you very much for your continued patronage of Henn na Hotel Tokyo Nishikasai.

At our hotel, we have decided to move some of the amenities that were traditionally placed in the guest rooms to the lobby starting September 17.

We have been working on environmental protection for some time, and in response to the cabinet decision on the "Plastic Resource Circulation Promotion Bill," we are further raising our awareness of the environment and taking measures to protect our limited resources.
We kindly ask for your understanding.

You are free to take the amenities provided in the lobby.

We appreciate your understanding of our efforts and kindly ask you to take only what you need.

Henn na Hotel Tokyo Nishi-Kasai

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