Scope of Application
Article 1
- 1. The accommodation contract and related agreements concluded between our hotel and guests shall be governed by the provisions of these terms and conditions, and for matters not specified in these terms, shall be governed by laws or generally established customs.
- 2. When our hotel agrees to special provisions within the limits of laws and customs, those special provisions shall take precedence over the provisions of the previous section.
Application for Accommodation Contract
Article 2
- 1. Those who wish to apply for a lodging contract at our hotel must provide the following information to the hotel.
- (1) Name, address, age, gender, nationality, and occupation of the guest
- (2) Check-in Date and Expected Arrival Time
- (3) Accommodation Fee (Generally based on the basic accommodation rate in Appendix 1)
- (4) If you are staying without an adult under the age of 18, a consent form signed by a parent or guardian is required.
- (5) If a guest is under 15 years old, a guardian must accompany them.
- (6) Other matters deemed necessary by our hotel
- 2. Those who have made a reservation must immediately submit the guest list containing the guest's name, address, phone number, etc., when the hotel requests it, even after the accommodation contract has been established.
- 3. Our hotel may call the contact number provided by the guest to confirm the reservation on any day prior to the scheduled check-in date.
- 4. If a guest requests to extend their stay beyond the accommodation date specified in the previous item during their stay, the hotel will treat this request as a new accommodation contract application at the time the request is made.
Establishment of Accommodation Contract
Article 3
- 1. The accommodation contract shall be established when the hotel accepts the application mentioned in the previous article. However, this does not apply if the applicant is unable to prove that the hotel has accepted the application, or if it is proven that the hotel did not accept it.
- 2. If our hotel presents incorrect accommodation fees on the internet site or provides incorrect accommodation fees over the phone, and a reservation is made based on those fees, which our hotel accepts, if those fees are significantly lower than the accommodation fees for surrounding dates, the accommodation contract will be considered invalid due to acceptance based on a mistake under civil law, unless there is a display or notice indicating that the fees are low for reasons such as "limited," "special," or "campaign." We will promptly notify you of this.
- 3. When the accommodation contract is established in accordance with the provisions of Article 1, you must pay the application fee set by the hotel, up to the basic accommodation fee for the duration of your stay, by the date specified by the hotel.
- 4. The deposit will first be applied to the accommodation fee that the guest ultimately needs to pay. In the event that the provisions of Article 6 and Article 17 apply, it will be applied in the order of penalty followed by compensation. If there is any remaining balance, it will be refunded at the time of payment of the fees according to the provisions of Article 11.
- 5. If the application fee specified in Section 3 is not paid by the date designated by the hotel in accordance with the provisions of that section, the accommodation contract will lose its validity. However, this applies only if the hotel has notified the guest of the payment deadline for the application fee.
Special provision that no deposit payment is required
Article 4
- 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3 of the preceding section, the hotel may agree to a special provision that does not require the payment of the application fee after the contract is established.
- 2. When accepting the application for the accommodation contract, if the hotel does not request the payment of the application fee as stated in the previous article, paragraph 3, and does not specify the payment deadline for the application fee, it will be treated as having agreed to the special provisions of the previous paragraph.
Refusal of Accommodation Contract Conclusion
Article 5
Our hotel may refuse to enter into a lodging contract in the following cases.
- (1) When the accommodation application is not in accordance with these terms.
- (2) When there are no available rooms due to full occupancy.
- (3) When it is recognized that a person intending to stay may engage in acts that violate legal provisions, public order, or good morals.
- (4) When a person intending to stay makes unreasonable complaints or requests within the hotel, which may disturb the peaceful order of the hotel.
- (5) When a person intending to stay is recognized as falling under the following categories from a to b.
- 1. When they are designated organized crime groups and designated organized crime group members as stipulated in the Act on Prevention of Unjust Acts by Organized Crime Group Members (enforced on March 1, 1992), or when they are related parties, quasi-organized crime group members, or other antisocial forces.
- When it is a corporation or other organization controlled by organized crime or members of organized crime.
- A corporation that has among its executives individuals who correspond to organized crime members.
- 2. Anti-social organizations, members of anti-social organizations, and their affiliates.
- (6) When a person intending to stay causes significant inconvenience to other guests through their behavior.
- (7) When a person intending to stay is clearly recognized as an infectious disease carrier.
- (8) When a guest who intends to stay causes inconvenience to other guests through loud singing, noise, dancing, or music during their stay.
- (9) When a person intending to stay is clearly recognized as having no ability to pay.
- (10) When a person attempting to stay is deemed suspicious in behavior.
- (11) When there are violent demands regarding accommodation, or when asked for burdens that exceed reasonable limits.
- (12) When it is not possible to accommodate due to natural disasters, facility malfunctions, or other unavoidable circumstances.
- (13) When a person attempting to stay is recognized as being excessively intoxicated and poses a significant risk of causing disturbance to other guests. Alternatively, when a guest has engaged in behavior that significantly disturbs other guests.
- (14) When a person who has applied for accommodation has done so while concealing their own commercial purposes.
Guest's Right to Cancel Contract
Article 6
- 1. Guests can request to cancel their accommodation contract with the hotel.
- 2. If a guest cancels all or part of their accommodation contract (except in cases where the hotel has specified a payment deadline for the deposit and requested payment according to the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 3, and the guest cancels the accommodation contract before that payment), the hotel will charge a cancellation fee as outlined in Appendix 2. However, if the hotel has agreed to the special provisions in Article 4, Paragraph 1, the obligation to pay the cancellation fee when the guest cancels the accommodation contract will only apply if the hotel has notified the guest at that time.
- 3. If a guest does not arrive by 24:00 on the day of their stay without contacting the hotel, the accommodation contract may be considered canceled by the guest.
Right to Terminate Contract at Our Hotel
Article 7
- 1. Our hotel may cancel the accommodation contract in the following cases.
- (1) When it is recognized that a guest is likely to engage in acts that violate laws, public order, or good morals, or when it is recognized that such acts have been committed.
- (2) When a guest is recognized as disturbing the peaceful order of the hotel by making unreasonable complaints or requests within the hotel.
- (3) When the guest is recognized as falling under the categories from I to Ha.
- I. Organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, quasi-members of organized crime groups, or other antisocial forces.
- When it is a corporation or other organization controlled by organized crime groups or members of such groups.
- A corporation that has among its executives individuals who correspond to organized crime members.
- (4) When a guest behaves in a manner that causes significant inconvenience to other guests.
- (5) When it is clearly recognized that the guest is a carrier of an infectious disease.
- (6) When violent demands are made regarding accommodation, or when burdens beyond a reasonable scope are requested.
- (7) When it is not possible to accommodate due to reasons arising from natural disasters or other force majeure.
- (8) When a person attempting to stay is recognized as being excessively intoxicated and likely to cause significant inconvenience to other guests. Alternatively, when a guest has engaged in behavior that significantly inconveniences other guests.
- (9) Smoking in places other than those designated, tampering with fire safety equipment, and other violations of the prohibited items specified in these terms and conditions.
- (10) When it becomes clear that the provisions of Article 5, Item 11 apply after the accommodation contract has been established.
- (11) When the person who made the accommodation request does not respond immediately to the hotel's request based on Article 2, Paragraph 2.
- 2. When the hotel cancels the accommodation contract based on the provisions of the preceding item, if the reason for cancellation is as stated in item 7 of the preceding paragraph, the fees for accommodation services that have not yet been provided will be refunded. For other reasons for cancellation, the fees for accommodation services that have not yet been provided will be charged as a penalty and will not be refunded.
Accommodation Registration
Article 8
- 1. Guests are required to register the following information at the hotel front desk on the day of their stay.
- (1) Name, age, gender, address, and occupation of the guest
- (2) For foreigners, nationality, passport number, place of entry, and date of entry
- (3) Confirm and take a copy of the passport
- (4) Departure Date and Scheduled Departure Time
- (5) Other matters deemed necessary by the hotel
- 2. When a guest intends to make payment for the fees specified in Article 11 using a method other than the credit card or currency recognized by the hotel, they must present these at the time of registration as mentioned in the previous section.
Room Usage Time
Article 9
- 1. Guests can use the hotel rooms from 3:00 PM to 11:00 AM the following day. However, in the case of consecutive stays, the rooms can be used all day except for the arrival and departure dates.
- 2. Our hotel may accommodate the use of guest rooms outside the hours specified in the previous section, regardless of the provisions of that section. In this case, we will charge the additional fees listed below.
- (1) Until 1:00 PM on the checkout time, 1,500 yen (including tax) for each additional hour.
- (2) After 1 PM, in addition to the previous additional charge, the accommodation fee for one room for one night on the checkout date will apply.
Compliance with Terms of Use
Article 10
Guests are required to follow the "Rules of Use" specified in these terms while on the hotel premises.
Payment of Fees
Article 11
- 1. The breakdown of accommodation fees that guests should pay and the method of calculation are as specified in Appendix 1.
- 2. Payment of the accommodation fees and other charges mentioned in the previous section shall be made in Japanese currency or by a method that can be substituted, such as a credit card recognized by the hotel, at the front desk upon the guest's check-in or when requested by the hotel.
- 3. Once the hotel provides a guest room to the guest and it becomes available for use, the accommodation fee will still be charged even if the guest chooses not to stay.
Our Hotel's Responsibility
Article 12
- 1. Our hotel will compensate guests for damages caused by the fulfillment of the accommodation contract and related agreements, or by their non-fulfillment. However, this does not apply if the damages are not due to reasons attributable to our hotel.
- 2. The responsibility for the stay at our hotel begins when the guest registers for their stay at the hotel front desk and ends when the guest vacates the room to depart.
- 3. Our hotel is covered by a hotel liability insurance policy to address any potential fire or other emergencies.
Handling when the contracted guest room cannot be provided
Article 13
- 1. If our hotel is unable to provide the contracted guest room to the guest, we will, with the guest's consent, arrange for another accommodation under similar conditions as much as possible.
- 2. In the event that our hotel is unable to arrange for other accommodations despite the provisions of the previous section, we will pay the guest a compensation equivalent to the penalty amount, which will be applied to the damages. However, if the inability to provide a room is not due to any fault of our hotel, we will not pay any compensation.
Handling of Deposited Items
Article 14
- 1. We do not accept items such as cash, valuables, artworks, antiques, fragile items, liquids, and perishables.
- 2. In the event of loss, theft, or damage to items left at the front desk by guests, the hotel will compensate for such damages unless they are due to force majeure. However, if the hotel requests a declaration of the type and value of the items and the guest fails to provide it, the hotel will limit its compensation to 30,000 yen (including tax).
- 3. For items, valuables, and cash brought into the hotel by guests that were not deposited at the front desk, if damages such as loss, theft, or destruction occur due to reasons attributable to the hotel, the hotel will compensate for those damages. However, for items for which the guest has not previously disclosed the type and value, the hotel will compensate for damages up to a limit of 30,000 yen (including tax), except in cases of intentional misconduct or gross negligence by the hotel.
- 4. Damage or dents to luggage left at the front desk by guests are not covered by the guarantee.
Storage of guests' luggage or personal belongings
Article 15
- 1. If a guest's luggage arrives at the hotel prior to their stay, it will be stored responsibly only if the hotel has acknowledged the arrival before the guest checks in at the front desk.
- 2. If a guest's luggage or personal belongings are left behind at our hotel after checkout, and the owner is identified, the hotel will contact the owner and seek their instructions. However, if there are no instructions from the owner or if the owner cannot be identified, the items will be handled as permitted by law as follows.
- (1) Cash and valuables: After being stored at our hotel for 7 days including the day of discovery, they will be delivered to the nearest police station.
- (2) Fresh food items: Regardless of price or expiration date, they will be disposed of on the day they are discovered.
- (3) Other items: We will dispose of them after keeping them at our hotel for 14 days, including the date of discovery.
- 3. Our hotel may check the contents of forgotten luggage or personal belongings as necessary to handle them appropriately according to the nature of the items. We may return them to the owner or dispose of them as outlined in the previous section, and guests cannot raise any objections to this.
- 4. The hotel's responsibility for the storage of guests' luggage or personal belongings in the cases of Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2 shall be in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of the preceding article in the case of Paragraph 1, and in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same article in the case of the preceding paragraph.
Parking Responsibility
Article 16
If guests use the parking lot of our hotel, regardless of whether they leave their vehicle keys with us, the hotel only provides a space for parking and does not assume responsibility for the management of the vehicle. However, if damage occurs due to the hotel's intentional actions or negligence while managing the parking lot, the hotel will be responsible for compensation.
Guest Responsibility
Article 17
- 1. If the hotel suffers damage due to the intentional or negligent actions of a guest, that guest shall compensate the hotel for the damages.
- 2. Guests must promptly inform the hotel if they recognize that the accommodation services provided differ from those stipulated in the accommodation contract, in order to smoothly receive the accommodation services based on the contract.
- 3. All areas of the hotel (except designated smoking areas) are non-smoking. If smoking is confirmed in the guest room or within the facility, a cleaning fee for the room and compensation for the loss of room sales will be charged as outlined in Appendix 3.
Article 18
When using computer communications from within our hotel, it will be done at the customer's own risk. The hotel will not be liable for any damages incurred by users due to service interruptions caused by system failures or other reasons during the use of computer communications. Additionally, if any damages occur to the hotel or third parties due to actions deemed inappropriate by the hotel during the use of computer communications, the customer will be required to compensate for those damages.
Refusal of Continued Use
Article 19
We may refuse to continue your use of our hotel in the following cases.
- (1) When there are unfavorable actions towards our hotel, or when it is recognized that there is a fear of such actions being taken.
- (2) When there is a breach of these terms (including cases where the hotel determines that there is a risk of breach).
Jurisdiction and Governing Law
Article 20
Disputes regarding the accommodation contract between our hotel and guests shall be governed by Japanese law, and the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court shall have exclusive jurisdiction.
Breakdown of Accommodation Fees, etc. (Related to Article 2, Paragraph 1 and Article 11, Paragraph 1)
Breakdown |
Total Amount to be Paid by the Guest |
Accommodation Fees |
1. Basic accommodation fee (Accommodation package price) + Consumption tax |
Additional Charge |
② Additional food and beverage, other usage fees + consumption tax |
Tax |
Other taxes specified by law, excluding consumption tax (such as accommodation tax and hot spring tax) |
- Notes
The basic accommodation fee is based on the rates displayed on our hotel's website and other platforms.
There are no child rates.
Appendix 2 (Related to Article 6, Paragraph 2)
Date of receipt of notice of contract termination |
No Show |
Same Day |
The day before |
9 days ago |
20 days ago |
Fewer than 10 people |
100% |
100% |
20% |
0% |
0% |
11 to 99 people |
100% |
100% |
80% |
20% |
10% |
More than 100 people |
*Separate contract |
(Note) For groups of more than 100 people, a separate contract will be concluded.
1. % is the penalty rate based on the basic accommodation fee.
2. In the case of shortening the number of consecutive nights reserved or reducing the number of guests planned to stay, if the shortening falls under the breach period, a penalty fee will be charged according to the applicable ratio of the penalty.
3. Special plans and advance payment plans are subject to separate regulations.
Appendix Table 3 (Related to Article 17, Paragraph 3)
Cleaning fee for smoking in the guest room |
20,000 yen per room (including tax) |
Room closure fee due to smoking in the guest room |
Number of days the room is sold out × 20,000 yen (including tax) |
(Note) The number of days a room is unavailable for sale will be determined by the hotel based on the actual days it has refrained from selling. However, the maximum limit will be 10 days.
In order to ensure a safe and comfortable experience for our guests, we have established the following usage rules based on Article 10 of the accommodation agreement. We kindly ask for your cooperation. If these rules are not followed, we may have to refuse accommodation and the use of hotel facilities in accordance with Article 7, Section 1 of the accommodation agreement, and you may be required to bear any damages incurred by the hotel. We ask for your special attention to this matter.
■Things to Keep in Mind for Safety and Disaster Prevention
- (1) Please ensure that the door is locked when you leave your room during your stay (our hotel has automatic locking). Especially when you are in the room, particularly at night, please use the internal lock and door hook.
- (2) The evacuation route map from the guest room is displayed on the inside of each guest room door, so please check it.
- (3) When there is a visitor, please do not open the door carelessly. Either open the door while keeping the door hook engaged or check with the door scope. If you suspect that the visitor may be suspicious, please contact the front desk immediately.
- (4) Please refrain from meeting visitors in the guest room.
- (5) Please do not use the guest room for purposes other than accommodation without permission.
- (6) If guests under the age of 15 wish to stay, they must be accompanied by a guardian.
- (7) Please do not use heating appliances, cooking appliances, or electrical devices such as irons that are not specified by the hotel in the guest room.
- (8) Smoking is prohibited inside the hotel, including guest rooms and the lobby. Please do not smoke outside of the designated areas.
- (9) Please do not use items that may cause fires, such as fireworks, incense, or candles, or items that have a strong lingering odor.
■About Valuables
Please use the safety deposit box installed in your room for storing cash and valuables.
■ About Payment
We do not cover expenses such as tickets for airplanes, trains, and sightseeing buses, taxi fares, postage, or shipping of luggage.
■ The following items are not allowed to be brought into our hotel facilities.
- (1) Animals and pets. (Excluding service dogs)
Please inform us in advance if you are visiting with a service dog.
- (2) Poisonous substances, harmful toxic chemicals, and items that emit significantly bad odors or fumes.
- (3) Firearms, swords, gambling tools, and other items prohibited by law.
- (4) Explosives, volatile oils, and other materials that are explosive, flammable, or easily ignitable.
- (5) Noisy items.
- (6) Other items recognized as threats to the safety of other guests
■ The following activities are prohibited within our hotel facilities.
- (1) Acts that violate criminal laws, such as gambling and other acts that disrupt public order.
- (2) Acts of political activities, election activities, and religious activities.
- (3) Acts of selling goods, advertising, donations, signatures, etc.
- (4) Any act of photography or recording using cameras, videos, or any other equipment for commercial purposes without permission.
- (5) The act of bringing food and beverages into the restaurant and consuming them.
- (6) Bringing ingredients into the restaurant and requesting employees to prepare them. (Whether paid or free)
- (7) Behavior that causes noise within the facility, or any other actions that disturb others or cause discomfort.
- (8) Use of the provided room wear and slippers outside of the guest room.
- (9) Please do not order takeout from outside the hotel.
- (10) Other acts that may hinder safety and hygiene within the hotel.